First Lego League

Vancouver Island had it’s regional qualifier on December 3rd and VicLUG was on hand to help out! Steve & Rod wore the referee shirts ( and crazy hats ) while Joseph took on Design Judge this time around.

We had a lot of fun and the kids’ creations were amazing and inspiring! Here is the winner list and hopefully we’ll be hearing more about these teams moving on.

1 – Fungus Stormers
2 – Hurricanes
3 – Gear Girls
4 – Team Rock Solid
5 – Legobots
6 – Masterminds

Lego Stormers Robotics Day

This is short notice, but here you go. VicLUG wholly supports all FLL activities and look forward to participating in future events!

Saturday June 11, 2011

Community Hall,  Oak Bay United Church
1355 Mitchell St. Victoria

Hosted by the FIX IT Robotics Team, who have just returned from the FIRST Tech Challenge (FTC) World Championship for high school teams.

FIX IT Team Workshops

First Lego League is starting to kick into gear, from the article:

The FIX IT Team will be leading four library workshops in the fall.

October 16     Central Library  and  
                       Bruce Hutchison Library

October 22     Nellie McClung  Library   
                       Juan De Fuca