June’s Public meeting will be at Bartholemew’s pub downtown, 1900 (that’s 7 pm for you non imperial guard types…) on Monday the 17th.
Author: James
Double Wammy Weekend !
May 4/5, Viclug will be in two locations at once. First up, and local to the Island, is the Victoria Train Show at Juan de Fuca Rec Centre. The rest of us are running away to River Rock in Vancouver for BrickCan. Both have admission, and more info can be found by searching for them. We look forward to seeing you,
April Monthly Meeting
Monthly Meeting will be 15th April at Hillside & Blanshard Boston Pizza, 7 PM. We look forward to meeting any AFOLs around who want to come out. Bring a MOC. Bring a brick. See you there !
Tillicum Center Lego
Tillicum ! 10 years of Viclug and Brickville Design Works ™ sharing a space at Tillicum. Spots are available at https://tillicumkids.com/ for kids to enter the contest. As usual, we will have 4 tables of MOC creations on display ! 8-9-10 March 2019
Family Day 2019
Sidney Family Day is sneaking up on us. VICLUG will be at the Pier hotel Saturday 16 Feb-Monday 18 Feb, with trains, Great Ball Contraption, and other MOC action. We look forward to seeing you there
So, it’s that time- tomorrow (Monday 19th March) we have a public meeting @ MUW in the Penny lounge. Then, on Friday March 23rd, we are at Tillicum mall with Brickville Design Works again ! So, come on down and see us, and if your lego is entered at Tillicum, best of luck with the contest.
Capital City Comic Con
A new Victoria event, Capital City Comic Con runs March 16-17-18 in the Victoria Conference Center & Crystal Garden. VicLUG will be in the Crystal Garden, with about 300 sq ft of display, featuring never before seen MOC’s, as well as some crowd favorites, a Great Ball Contraption, and Space (SPACE !). Mid Island LUG are going to support us in making a totally bricktastic experience. In addition to VicLUG, Brickville Design Works (Robin Sather) & The Brick Chick will be there, and I have heard rumors of a booth of Deadpool Lego !
Family Day
The first event of the year for VicLUG is Sidney Family Day weekend. We will be in the Pierside Hotel Sallas room again, from Satuday 10th Febuary until Monday 12th, 10- 4 pm. More info about other events in super lego friendly Sidney can be found at https://www.facebook.com/SidneyFamilyDayWeekend/
January Meeting
So, shake off the excess food crumbs from the holidays, and come on down to our next club meeting. Once again, at the Penny Lounge, on Monday January 15th, at 7 PM. Topics include C4, and bricks !
May 15th Meeting
Hi all ! Our next public meeting will be May 15th, at Moon Under Water, in the Penny Lounge. (7 pm- later). Our next event is the Victoria train show, 29th of May at West Shore (JdF) in the curling rink.