TOYS R US Back in Town!

Since Toys R Us left Mayfair we have had to travel to Nanaimo to shop in person. That ends now as the new location in Uptown Mall has opened it’s doors. LEGO is on the second floor by the windows overlooking the central plaza.

Here’s hoping it is a success even though it’s biggest IRL competitor (Wal-Mart) is just the other side of the fountain. Kind handy if you want to comparison shop in-person.

Date Change for FEBRUARY meeting

Date change to allow for planning for Sidney LEGO Days on the Family Day Weekend: FEB 5

ACTIVITY: Fig Fest (tentative)

Any Adult Fan Of LEGO in all it’s nerdy glory interested in seeing what we are all about is welcome to come for part of all of the evening.

Schedule: Doors open at Victoria NeighbourSpace (709/711 Douglas St) at 5:30 pm for food/social time/brick trading; 7:00 pm for business; 8:00 – 9:00pm for whatever.

Parking: Some street spots may be available on the other side of St. Ann’s, otherwise the nearest City Parkade is under the Central Library.

January Meeting

January15th is third Monday of the month and time to start 2024!

Any Adult Fan Of LEGO in all it’s nerdy glory interested in seeing what we are all about is welcome to come for part of all of the evening.

Schedule: Doors open at Victoria NeighbourSpace (709/711 Douglas St) at 5:30 pm for food/social time/brick trading; 7:00 pm for business; 8:00 – 9:00pm for whatever.

Parking: Some street spots may be available on the other side of St. Ann’s, otherwise the nearest City Parkade is under the Central Library.

Agenda: includes planning for the Family Day Display.

December Meetup

December 18th is third Monday of the month and time to meet up again!

Some of us are planning on getting takeout from The Old Spaghetti Factory next door for dinner. Doors open at Victoria NeighbourSpace (709/711 Douglas St) at 5:30 pm.

Any Adult Fan Of LEGO in all it’s nerdy glory interested in seeing what we are all about is welcome to come for part of all of the evening.

Bring something to show and something to trade!

PARKING: Some street spots may be available on the other side of St. Ann’s, otherwise the nearest City Parkade is under the Central Library.

November Meeting

November 20th is third Monday of the month and time to meet up again!

Doors open at Victoria NeighbourSpace (709/711 Douglas St) at 5:30 pm for food/social time/brick trading; 7:00 pm for business; 8:00 – 9:00pm for whatever.

Any Adult Fan Of LEGO in all it’s nerdy glory interested in seeing what we are all about is welcome to come for part of all of the evening.

Bring something to show! Something you’ve made, something LEGO-related you have acquired, whatever you find interesting we will too.

PARKING: Some street spots may be available on the other side of St. Ann’s, otherwise the nearest City Parkade is under the Central Library.

October Meeting

It’s the third Monday of the month (October 16th) so it’s time to meet up again!

Doors open at Victoria NeighbourSpace (709/711 Douglas St) at 5:30 pm for food/social time/brick trading; 7:00 pm for business; 8:00 – 9:00pm for whatever.

Any Adult Fans Of LEGO (AFOLs) interested in seeing what we are all about are welcome to come for part or all of the evening.

PARKING: Some street spots may be available on the other side of St. Ann’s, otherwise the nearest City Parkade is under the Central Library.

September Meeting

It’s the third Monday of the month (September 18th) so it’s time to meet up again!

Doors open at Victoria NeighbourSpace (709/711 Douglas St) at 5:30 pm for food/social time/brick trading; 7:00 pm for business; 8:00 – 9:00pm for whatever.

Anyone interested in seeing what we are all about is welcome to come for part of all of the evening.

PARKING: Some street spots may be available on the other side of St. Ann’s, otherwise the nearest City Parkade is under the Central Library.

August Meeting

It’s the third Monday of the month (August 21st) so it’s time to meet up again!

Doors open at Victoria NeighbourSpace (709/711 Douglas St) at 5:30 pm for food/social time/brick trading; 7:00 pm for business; 8:00 – 9:00pm for whatever.

Anyone interested in seeing what we are all about is welcome to come for part of all of the evening.

PARKING: Some street spots may be available on the other side of St. Ann’s, otherwise the nearest City Parkade is under the Central Library.